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A Social Engineering Result That Started Decades Ago.... Sata | Jason Christoff Self Sabotage Coach

A Social Engineering Result That Started Decades Ago....

Satancon sells out in Boston because what sustains life has been purposely dismantled in the West, so a very obvious shift to honoring death and evil is happening. From one religion right into another because the weakest inside humanity always needs to follow an authority figure. It's not transgenderism, it's not CRT, it's not toxic medicine, it isn't Liquid Death Energy Drinks and it's not t-shirts that say "killin it"….... it's the rise of evil and a dismantling of life giving energy. We have now officially reached the tipping point where life is so hated, that honoring death is all some people have left. Life is boring and frustrating by design for many. Because of that they embrace evil as the only exciting aspect to their mundane existences. It's all a mind control program and it's a very dangerous one at that.