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Jason Christoff Self Sabotage Coach

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Logo of telegram channel jasonchristoff11 — Jason Christoff Self Sabotage Coach
Channel address: @jasonchristoff11
Categories: Health
Language: English
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2021-09-28 02:30:19 More truth hitting the mainstream....
206 views23:30
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2021-09-28 02:29:46 Canadian tax dollars hard at work....making sure inversion, chaos and crisis is perpetual inside our borders. A father is sent to prison for using the wrong pronouns with his daughter and a medical doctor organizes a court order so that that this father's 14 year old daughter begins testosterone injections immediately, to change her gender. All in a day's work down on a planet where people are literally too afraid to pay attention any more. The government is taking aim at everything that a society needs to maintain its stability and destroying any chance the current society can survive in anyway.
201 views23:29
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2021-09-28 02:27:53 4. A chemical assault had to be launched against the frontal lobe, which is the part of our brain, just behind our forehead. The frontal lobe is high functioning, high IQ, moral, ethical, loving, compassionate, independent and always thinks about the long term consequences of any action taken. Obviously if this part of the brain is active, it can instantly see the very obvious con job and economic destruction just around the corner, regarding the closing of businesses and mass governments double and even triple their debt loads over the next 2-4 years. Nothing will survive, nothing...which is the goal. The frontal lobe can figure out in milliseconds that weakening a citizen's health with poison and their monetary resources (via mass unemployment and government debt), can only make the society worse off. There's no upside to any of it but you would have to have your frontal lobe active to recognize these simple truths. The most efficient chemicals ever proven to shut down the frontal lobe are caffeine, alcohol, sugar, THC, narcotics, meds, fluoride, toxic chemicals etc. This is why for 70 years our human farmers gave us an unlimited supply of frontal lobe deactivating substances. Without frontal lobe activation, no human can think deeply and they certainly can't think long term, not even a week into the future. Find a citizen who thinks that this won't end with a complete destruction of our entire society within the next calendar year......their frontal lobe can't be on. Then check their coffee, alcohol and chemical intakes.

5. Men had to be feminized and demonized by the society..... to help separate families, to help produce men who were too weak to resist tyranny and to leave the female often single and unprotected, as the attack began. Partnerships make for stronger teams, in regards to resisting any take over attempt. Weak men of course weaken the partnership and men have been weakened chemically and psychically for many decades. At the same time women have been constantly given the message that their men aren't needed or even necessary and given men have been weakened for 3-4 wasn't a stretch for women to pack up and go at things alone. This of course was engineered purposely, socially conditioned into our societal fabric, so when the female was threatened with loss of employment or no access to child care, they would comply and take a knee to the corrupt and evil requests from a government gone mad. The men of course are the most compliant today of the two genders, which closes the circle, as the male protective force of the Universe was purposely conditioned out of most the point where most men today are simply obedient lap dogs to the ruling 1%.

I had a government official tell me yesterday, "either you violate your own rights and freedoms and the rights and freedoms of others, or I'll have to come back and violate your rights and freedoms myself." He thought that was completely logical and the best way he could table the insanity he was paid to come bring to my door step. In order for this sort of corruption and decent into evil to occur, these 5 factors (and many more) had to be in place for decades prior. What we're seeing today isn't an organic event, which came out of nowhere. Everything we see today has been scripted decades, if not hundreds of years in advance. The price of freedom is constant vigilance and we were tricked into partying, self gratifying and not being vigilant. It's that simple. As we partied and goofed around, an evil control grid was built around us and that evil control grid involves rewarding people for doing evil to themselves and to others. God help us all at this point. At least try to stop poisoning yourself, as to turn your frontal lobe back on. At least try that.
395 views23:27
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2021-09-28 02:27:52 5 Things That Had To Happen Decades Before The Preplanned Attack

1. Interest rates had to be low so people would max out their credit lines. Low interest rates also means no incentive to save. With no savings and maxed out credit, most people were lured into a trap, outside their conscious awareness. With no savings and maxed out credit lines, the average person would have no buffer from the demands of "take this experimental application or you're fired." The entire goal of the financial system over the last 30 years was to leave people weakened financially so they would have no way to side step the attack.

2. Basic education about humans rights, freedoms and the law had to be absent from the all media, government education etc. This way when unelected health officials were purposely handed control of the entire government structure in 2020, most people were completely unaware of how this one manipulation destroyed all democratic and freedom based principles overnight. In 24 hours the free world reverted back 300 years to "taxation without representation" and this could only be accomplished without massive revolt if the citizens were never taught anything about freedom, law and the democratic process. Government policy is now in full control of medicine, which insists poison is the answer for every problem a society encounters. When additional problems erupt because of the original poisoning, additional poison is the solution tabled immediately. Real health is absent....but real health was always absent in conventional medicine. Now this "poison you back to health approach" to controlling humanity, is becoming official policy, while real health is demonized.

3. A directionless and soulless citizen must be constructed over decades where regular life accomplishments and feelings of unique value are absent. This way you can convince large tracts of the public that they are heroes, protectors and high achievers for complying with the destruction of their freedoms and following the corrupt rules that are designed to destroy everything they hold dear. In a directionless citizen, feelings of heroism and accomplishment would be absent, which sets up the perfect scenario for installing into that citizen these missing feelings, as that person is easily glorified, incentivized and celebrated as they burn their own society to the ground. Everyone wants to be a hero. Just tell a person that they're amazing and a hero for doing everything they're told and they walk willingly into the open grip of the tyrant.
402 views23:27
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2021-09-28 02:26:11
248 views23:26
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2021-09-28 02:24:52

Alberta announcement -
293 views23:24
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2021-09-24 22:45:28 I warned about this with a letter to all schools in my area.
One principal wasn't happy.
One teacher told me "don't waste my time, I have work to do."
Another teacher quit coming to one of my businesses because I tried to share this documented information with local schools.
One trustee wrote back "how did you get my email."
A local retired dentist mocked me in the local media.
A local newspaper is mocking me this morning about the letter I sent.
I tried.......most people sit and do nothing.
This is the result when good people do nothing and hide from their charge as adults in the tribe.
781 views19:45
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2021-09-24 05:57:23
1.2K views02:57
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2021-09-24 05:56:17
A society that fears the common cold to a point where they stop the entire society from functioning....will perish. What do you think a society is? A society is an organization of people who all work together to provide the means of human survival.

For people who think a society will provide the means of survival when 40% of the population are forbidden to work because they refuse an unapproved experimental medical application, which is destroying and injuring humans at levels well above historical levels..... don't be surprised when what you need to survive no longer is available. When a society destroys freedom in order to acquire safety, that society is set to collapse into its own footprint. And if you think the government can fix a broken society, when it was the government who broke the society purposely in the first place, you're going to be in for the shock of your life when you finally understand where all this is going. The end goal of your handlers isn't you being safer or healthier, far from it.
664 views02:56
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2021-09-24 05:55:29
Without compliance and fear, they lose in 24 hours. Increase your strength. Increase your health. Refuse their poisons. Speak your mind. Get to bed on time. Get in the sun. Drink clean water. Be moral. Call out injustice and contradiction. Grow your power. You need power to move past fear and compliance.
556 views02:55
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