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INGERSOLL LOCKWOOD PAGE! TIC TOCK…we cannot afford to run ou | 🕯Bo Rob✝️🍊🐸 [John 1:5]


TIC TOCK…we cannot afford to run out the clock…What Happens November 19, 2021?
Want to end Lockdown 2.0 before it happens?  If every Patriotic American visitor to our site did the following starting now, we win the Lockdown 2.0 battle: 
(1) Call, email and write the CDC, FDA and your local Hospital or 24×7 Urgent Care (play a project veritas-like role – get a body cam or use your cell phone cam and visit them in person) and ask “do you have a Delta variant test? can I take one? where are they available?” answers: NO. NO. NOT AVAIL. Document this.
(2) Get it to all small local media outlets – local reporters, local newspapers, local TV, local radio and ask them “Isn’t this a huge, breaking story?  No test exists for the Delta variant so all the numbers are not justified.  Are they doing this to fearmonger and try to create another lockdown?  Isn’t it a newsworthy crime if someone in our state or local government makes false claims that can’t be backed up just to push for another lockdown, maybe to get more federal funds and force small businesses to close and bring back mask mandates and social distance mandates?”
(3) If you have to, tell them how big your social media network is and say ‘my x hundred or y thousand online followers are asking me to ask you and they are waiting for your answer.  Will you investigate and confirm my findings and publish this story for the greater good of your viewership/readership/audience?’
Let’s get to work and DO SOMETHING…  
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