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I finally got to live my happily ever after... My Doctor was | JFK |Q⏱|NEW ERA

I finally got to live my happily ever after...

My Doctor was astonished at my last medical check-up. His first words were, "Where's the other half?"

I told him that my hairdresser Jessica shared her morning tea ritual with me and how it's been life-changing.

"Really? A cup of tea, that's it?" he said with a sceptical look.

"I know that's what I said!"

"It's a bit unconventional, but after years of trying, I had nothing to lose."

"Well, If it works, it works." He said in a delighted tone.

At the end of my examination, we discovered that not only had the outer me changed, but the inner me changed too.

Even the receptionist was complimenting me, and asking what I was doing

This was the first time I had ever left my medical check-up feeling great about myself

Tap 'Learn More' below where I explain all about it in my blog
