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When I started using pen in my primary school, and I made a mi | C.V & INTERVIEWS TIPS

When I started using pen in my primary school, and I made a mistake, I would try hard to erase it before submitting to my teacher.

Sometimes, I use chalk to clean my mistake but it later re-appeared. So I began to use saliva, it worked, but only to leave holes in my books. My teachers then would beat me for being outrageously dirty. But all I tried to do was to cover my error.

One day, a kind hearted teacher who loved me so much called me aside and he said, "Anytime you make a mistake, just cross it and move on." He said further; "Trying to erase your mistakes would only damage your book to nothing."

I told him in protest that I don't want people to see my mistake. My loving teacher laughed and said "Trying to erase your mistake will make more people know about your mess and the stigma is for life."

Have you made some mistakes in 2021? Cross it over and move on. Don't expose yourself as a result of trying to cover your mistakes.

Better things are ahead of you. As I always say: "We can be whoever we want to be, we're simply under construction."

Strike out your 2021 mistakes and move into year 2022 with a fresh note.

Remember that you have to become better, to attract better. You can't be doing the same wrong thing, and expect a positive change.

Transform your mindset, and upgrade your habits. Leverage more on your skills, learn that course already, and start implementing it.

That your last 100K, 50K, 30K will finish. It's guaranteed. You can either take a chance and spend that money learning something that can multiply it.

Or allow it finish, either way, it'll finish. The choice is yours by the way.

See the link below for the various opportunities and courses you may need in 2022.

May the New Year bless you with health, wealth and happiness. Let's make it together!

Cc: Peter Ebuka AGBO