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Do you want to explore what CIT program is? JSDP will launch | JOT MEDIA - JSDP

Do you want to explore what CIT program is?

JSDP will launch this training for the first time in Ethiopia for working professionals and educators soon!

The Executive Director at Life University will give am orientation about the program and also answer your questions via zoom on April 28.

Below is a link to our orientation, which will happen on Thursday, April 28 at 9:00pm (3:00 Local Time (night))!

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87207814490?pwd=UUFQWldMR1FLSytGeFBQL0dCTXJ4UT09

Meeting ID: 872 0781 4490
Passcode: 161065

Miss it not!

For more information
Office: 0116683416
Project Officer: +251907400011/+251929037439

