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Just looking closer at this data. 264 - This is the number o | Covid and Kids

Just looking closer at this data.

264 - This is the number of children the FDA is basing the immune response effectiveness of the vaccine for 5-11 year olds. You read that right. Just 264 kids.

“The FDA analyzed data that compared the immune response of 264 participants from this study to 253 participants 16 through 25 years of age who had two higher doses of the vaccine in a previous study which determined the vaccine to be effective in preventing COVID-19.”

That’s insane. Trials for other vaccines enroll thousands of children and last for years if not over a decade. The trial this vaccine is based on it total bogus. You can’t draw sound conclusions from such small numbers.

Additionally, 3 cases of COVID-19 occurred among 1,305 vaccine recipients and 16 cases of COVID-19 occurred among 663 placebo recipients. This where they get their “90.7% effective in preventing COVID-19”. This is small potatoes. Keep in mind it’s nothing more than a mild cold for kids. So why are we vaccinating kids again for something with zero long term studies? I truly hope parents critically think this through. This is not an emergency for kids. It’s total nonsense to subject kids to this experimental vaccine - which is exactly what it is when you consider the trials are not even complete until 2024 but the media nor your school won’t tell you that. The kids who get this will be the trial.
