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Episode 3: The Branch Covidians “Losing Friends” Do any of yo | J Slay USA

Episode 3: The Branch Covidians
“Losing Friends”

Do any of your more “reasonable” and “unity” minded friends consider you extreme? Have they slowly become distant and backed away from you?

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a pastor in Germany during Hitler’s early rise. He sniffed out what was going on and that Hitler was an evil man before many others, and his biggest struggle became getting his fellow Pastors to wake up! Eventually it became so obvious what was happening, but still they delayed action.

Eventually Bonhoeffer was sent to prison under the third Reich, and by then, it was too late. While there, he began to write letters to those who were still free, to try and explain the failure of various types of people, who could have taken action when there was still time.

The first type he called,
“the reasonable”.

He writes: “The failure of the reasonable man is obvious. With the best of intentions and with a naïve lack of realism, they think that with a little reason they can bend back into position the framework that has so oddly got out of joint. In their lack of vision, they want to do justice to all sides, but the conflicting forces wear them down so much that nothing is ever achieved. Disappointed by the worlds unreasonableness, they feel condemned to ineffectiveness, and so, they step aside in resignation or collapse before the great evil that awaits them.”