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Congrats to Democrats everywhere - and when I say Democrats, I | J Slay USA

Congrats to Democrats everywhere - and when I say Democrats, I’m including 50% of all elected Republicans!

Dr. Simone Gold was sentenced to federal prison today. Democrats, you have become the American Gestapo enforcing a two tiered Justice system. This is not about truth, this is not about crime, this is not about Justice. This is about silencing voices of opposition. Period.

In 2020-21, While you were busy mandating experimental vaccines, shoving elderly Covid patients back in nursing homes leading to mass death, telling us that Ivermectin and other early treatments were dangerous, giving Andrew Cuomo an Emmy award, censoring words like natural immunity, firing frontline workers who chose NOT to get the worthless (dangerous) vax, lying about gain of function research, sentencing patients to death on remdesivir + ventilator protocols, and masking our kids while your schools taught them critical race theory and all manner of sexual deviancy, Dr. Simone Gold dared to speak truth to power. This is her reward.

But hey let’s put up another statue of George Floyd right? He deserves it, and it helps raise black voices.

I am PROUD to have been at the Capitol on Jan. 6. I was there, because I saw what was coming. One day, you may understand this too, but then again you may be all too willing to “own nothing and be happy”.

You may now return to CNN.
