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In 1871, Albert Pike (33rd degree Freemason and open Luciferia | J Slay USA

In 1871, Albert Pike (33rd degree Freemason and open Luciferian), once wrote a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini (an Italian 33rd Deg. FM) describing the three World wars that would be necessary for the Illuminati to finally unveil the “pure doctrine of Lucifer” to the world, and thus ending Christianity and Athiesm. The description of the first two wars are so incredibly accurate it would have required supernatural help to write this. See photo.

Supposedly the letter from Pike to Mazzini was on display in the British Museum library in London until 1977. Many Internet sites claim the letter now resides in the British library in London, but that library denies the letter exists.

I cannot find an original copy or a photo of this letter online, does anyone have proof this letter existed?