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We collect the most important and interesting news of this day

Bolivia's highlands city of La Paz has been hit by an unusual heatwave, with levels of ultraviolet radiation soaring off the charts, exacerbated by unusually low levels of cloud cover some experts link to climate change

Covid-19 virus does not infect human brain cells, study suggests

Unlike in the continental U.S., where states are still struggling to convince residents to take the vaccine, Puerto Rico has managed to keep both distrust of federal healthcare initiatives and the mainland’s divisive partisan politics out of its vaccination drive

China is rapidly expanding its nuclear arsenal and may have 1,000 nuclear warheads by the end of the decade as it aims to surpass US global influence by the middle of the 21st century, according to a major Pentagon report released on Wednesday

The former princess Mako Komuro is not the only Japanese royal to have experienced issues related to mental wellbeing

Indians across the country are celebrating the Diwali festival amid concerns over the coronavirus pandemic and rising air pollution. Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, is typically celebrated by socializing and exchanging gifts with family and friends

Cleo Smith kidnapping suspect sent to hospital after self-harming in police custody

Lawyer for Hannah Gutierrez says ‘disgruntled’ person could have placed live round in box of dummy rounds

Drivers with Tesla's "full self-driving" software often don't know what their cars will do next

Ethiopia is at war with itself. Here's what you need to know about the conflict