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Joe Biden is trying his hardest to move on from the tragedy he | Lauren Boebert

Joe Biden is trying his hardest to move on from the tragedy he created in Afghanistan.

He thinks we’ve forgotten about what he’s done.

We have not forgotten the Afghanistan crisis.

We have not forgotten the border crisis.

We have not forgotten the economic crisis.

We most certainly have not forgotten about the need to restore election integrity to this country.

I am always working hard to try and fix what Biden is breaking.

I need your help and your support, though. Sign your name to this petition below, and share it around so that you can back me up!

There is great power in numbers. Sign your name and share this on your other social media platforms.

Together, we will take back this country and hold Biden accountable.

He thinks he can gaslight us, but we won’t fall for his tricks. https://secure.winred.com/lauren-boebert-for-congress/petition-bidengaslightingtw