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Boston Tea Party In the year 1773, there was a lot of tension | Learn English with us

Boston Tea Party
In the year 1773, there was a lot of tension between the American colonies and Britain. Britain was trying to control the colonies, but the people of the colonies were trying to fight British control. The British passed a tea act, which they felt would force the people of the colonies to buy their tea. The British sold the tea at a very cheap price. This way, they could also tax them for the tea. The British sent ships with tea to America.
As three ships filled with tea came into Boston Harbor, the colonists demanded that the leader of the colony make the ships leave. But the leader of the colony refused to do this. The people who lived there decided to take care of the boats themselves. In the middle of the night, a group of men dressed as Indians went aboard the ships. They threw all 342 chests of tea overboard into the water. People gathered along the shore. They cheered the men on. This famous event became known as the Boston Tea Party.
The King of England was upset. He did not like what the people in Boston had done. He helped pass a law to punish the men who dumped the tea into the water. This law only made the feelings between the two groups more tense. The British kept trying to control the colonies, and the colonies kept refusing. This was one of the significant events that led up to the Revolutionary War.
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