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What are some awesome psychological facts about ourselves that | Inspirational Stories

What are some awesome psychological facts about ourselves that helps to know ourselves better?

Overthinking kills our ability to be happy,

Arguing at every chance is a sign of ignorance. Don’t waste your breath with these people,

Most limitations are actually psychological in nature - not physical. Destroying the limiting beliefs will create optimal conditions for self development,

What hurts you today , makes you stronger tomorrow ,

Making people feel hopeless always backfires,

What you think of most of the time is what you finally become,

Getting too attached to anyone destroys you in the end,

If you make the mistake of looking back too much, you aren’t focused enough on the road in front of you,

People treat you how you present yourself,

Your ultimate success is influenced by your beliefs,

No one notices how sad you are until it turns into anger, then you’re the crazy person who needs help,

Sometimes, you end up losing yourself trying to hold onto someone who doesn’t care about losing you,

Everyone is waiting to be appreciated by someone,

Your dreams are expressions of your subconscious minds during deep sleep . Only 10% of your mind is conscious,

Believe you can & you’re half way there ,

Pretending that everything is getting better, when it’s not,

Sometimes the people who don’t talk to you are the ones who really want to ,

Pain changes everything & most of the changes are irreversible . Those who survive it all , soldier on ,

It’s hard growing up in a world where you never feel good enough,

No marriage is free of conflict,

Conversation is more important than sex if you actually want to know her/him ,

It can take a life time to explain a split- second emotion.
