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Time for rest. Many may criticize me for talking “too much” | Lin Wood

Time for rest.

Many may criticize me for talking “too much” about God.

Many may criticize me for quoting “too much” from the Word of God.

I can live with those criticisms and despite them, press on. I would rather talk “too much” about God and His Word than “too little.”

I am just an imperfect son of God. I just do the best I can to live like Jesus Christ. I understand that the more I do my best to live like Jesus Christ lived in the flesh, the more I will be treated in the flesh like Jesus Christ was treated.

I am okay with the persecution in the flesh.

My persecution in the flesh pales in comparison to His.

Jesus Christ was perfect in the flesh.

I am not.

He died in the flesh to save me.

So I take up my cross and follow Him.

I just do my imperfect best. God does not ask for more. And He certainly does not deserve less.

It is never about me. It is always about Him.

I hope you had a good day.

The world may be upside down, but with God, the best is always yet to come.

God bless each of you.

Rest well.

Good night.
