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We The People know the 2020 election was illegal. The objectiv | Lin Wood

We The People know the 2020 election was illegal. The objective evidence is overwhelming to the point of being conclusive. Anyone paying attention at all knows that is the TRUTH.

There is NO excuse for any Governor or other “selected” official to not take PROMPT and decisive action to FIX 2020. Failure to do so is treason to the will of the People.

Unless of course they want to benefit by the continuation of a rigged election system by remaining a part of the ruling elite. And perhaps they secretly support The Great Reset/The New World Order/One World Government, in other words, Communism.

The Communists don’t run for office as Communists. Too obvious. They are masters of deceit. They run as Democrats or Republicans.

Then they are selected by a rigged computer election system.

Communism has taken over our local, state, and federal legislative bodies without firing a shot.

We CANNOT let the Communists take over the Presidency. Then they will have a Communist as Commander in Chief of the U.S. Military.

We cannot have a Manchurian Candidate.

Better WAKE UP America. NOW.

FIX 2020 OR BUST!!!
