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#Brave_New_World 1. The teacher, Jennifer Miller, read the bo | Save America 🇺🇸


1. The teacher, Jennifer Miller, read the book I am Jazz to her class. The story was written by Jazz Jennings, who was on a reality show as a transgender child. It is about a two-year-old biological male transitioning to female, with the support of his parents.
When a concerned parent emailed the teacher to ask about the book, the teacher sent back a bunch of woke nonsense about inclusion. The email was obtained by the Young America’s Foundation.
“Yes, I did read this book,” Miller replied. “As a district we are working hard to support all members of our school community and promote inclusion through understanding and compassion.”
Parents began to reach out to the school board who refused to take any action.
An investigation by the Young America’s Foundation found that Jennifer Mason, president of the Bellingham School Board, owns and operates a self-described “all-ages” sex toy shop.
“I want to show people if sex isn’t something to be ashamed about, then I should be able to be an elected official and own a sex shop at the same time,” Mason told her local paper. “That’s what it means to live your values.”
via thegatewaypundit.com

2. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky told CNN Wednesday to avoid COVID-19 outbreaks like last summer, they suggest kids wear masks at camp unless eating, drinking, napping, or swimming.
If you would like your 12-15 year-old to be able to enjoy camp outside, Walensky says they should get vaccinated. Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents as young as 12 years old is expected to be ready in the next week.
Outside activities that are more isolated like tennis can be done mask-free. However, for those younger campers and non-vaccinated they should keep their masks on when playing team sports like soccer.
via wibc.com

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