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Good morning! I recently started reading the New Testament, a | LivingLifeLikeAlex

Good morning!
I recently started reading the New Testament, and yesterday morning My husband and I did a little Bible study as we were reading Luke 14. Jesus was dining with a Pharisee and he instructed the host not to simply be hospitable to people who could pay him back. I have to share the end of this parable because I think it’s such a great lesson: “But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous”. Luke 14:13-14

Do what is right, not just what feels good.
Don’t just act on things for payment because it may feel good for a minute but in the end will do a lot more damage. When we reach out and give to others, it’s difficult to not seek praise. We become motivated by the praise we’ll be receiving, not by the pure joy of opening to the needs of others. Jesus challenges us to bless, benefit, and befriend those who cannot repay us for our interest, concern, and kindness. Doing so leaves the rewards of our actions as a blessing of helping someone else and a deep trust that what we do and how we do it matter to him.
It’s better to do the hard right than the easy wrong. ✞