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Few people know that Fanta was invented in Germany in 1940, du | LOST HISTORY

Few people know that Fanta was invented in Germany in 1940, during World War II

Thanks to an embargo imposed by the anti-Hitler coalition, the supply of the syrup needed for Coca-Cola production in Germany was suspended. Then Max Keith, who was responsible for the Coca-Cola division in Germany during World War II, decided to create a new product based on ingredients that were available in Germany at the time.

The main components of the new beverage were apple cake (cider production waste) and milk whey (a byproduct of cheese production). The resulting drink was yellow in color and differed greatly in taste from the orange "Fanta," which is now the most common.

The drink's name was the result of a collective discussion that began with Keith calling for the participants to "use their imagination" (German for "Fantasie"), to which one of those present, Joe Knipp, immediately pronounced "Fanta!