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3D is spinning out of control in these energies and things are | ◦•● 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙘𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙀𝙢𝙗𝙤𝙙𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 ●•◦

3D is spinning out of control in these energies and things are going to get a lot worse for those who do not take CHARGE of their actions. Karmic energies are very strong right now - we are in times of instant karma.

I woke up this morning to an email that my ex-husband of 20 years is facing potential jail time for assaulting and choking with his wife. And also drowning in DEEP debt. Strangely, in our married life of 20 years not once did he ever hit me. And we NEVER faced financial problems as I was a master manifestor even back then. We had a happy "3D marriage" although his family always shunned me and belittled me for not being good enough, for not being from their religion, etc. They did this out of their insecurity for they knew that the only way they could 'keep' me in their family was to make me feel small so I could fit in with the rest of them.

When I left the marriage 8 years ago, they married my ex off IMMEDIATELY to a "proper Muslim girl", and he jumped at the opportunity, and his life has been a living library of HELL since. Karma at its finest.

To add to all of this drama, my son turns 18Y today and he is facing the biggest ‘SHOCK’ of his life with his dad’s court case pressing on him, which is, in turn, triggering a timeline split juncture for him as he will need to figure things out for himself as he enters his adult life.

Needless to say, my system is feeling a slight sense of 'shock' with all of this. Siman and I are amongst the most stable, grounded people I know and to see the CONTRAST of what we LEFT BEHIND is waking us up at an all-new level. Holy Fuck!

This is the Universe FORCING my son and his dad to take responsibility for their actions, and turn them around for their karmic loops to stop. There's NO WAY around it. One must face these circumstances head-on and bring about positive change in their lives.

His dad keeps forcing him to get more loans and go to University and drown more in debt, because they think University is the ONLY way.

I haven’t been in touch with them for so long as I am no longer that person - I live in a different dimension, like LITERALLY.

Yet, I was guided one last time, perhaps as a birthday gift, to advise my son this morning so I did - told him to go to India, live with his father's extended family there, let go of the “university” dream, get a full-time job, practice respecting money, respecting women, learning integrity, learning GRATITUDE, take full ownership of his actions and make a sacred vow never to steal/lie/manipulate/cheat another again, and so on - and I told him that's how he turns his ship around!

Then I blocked them both, for good as I have fully cut cords with them for some time now and have nothing more to do with them.

For those who are going through similar situations, I want you to know that your rocket ship is TAKING OFF. Don't let ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING drown you. You have a choice - to fly above the density, or drown in it.

Get ready for the best take-off yet!

Love you, soul family,
