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The more you try to please everyone, the more people will be d | ◦•● 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙘𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙀𝙢𝙗𝙤𝙙𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 ●•◦

The more you try to please everyone, the more people will be dissatisfied with you. And you will continue to strive even harder, to do more, until one day you realize that it is YOU who are so unhappy with yourself. You may find at some point that what you are actually doing is trying to please yourself by pleasing others. That you are being inauthentic. It so often happens that I see people using their time and energy to honor circumstances, to be and do what is "right," or to avoid upsetting others. They do not know how to say NO, it is difficult for them to assert their will and desires, they compromise after compromise and then they are surprised that they do not feel fulfilled. I know it happens to you too.
Let us no longer be willing to make leaps without real progress into our spiritual path. May we no longer be willing to bypass by turning a blind eye on what is difficult and problematic to face. As this life, or the other life, or the "next" life, whatever we are calling an alternative reality will put you back in the same place, in the same pattern, in the same cycle, in the same scenarios just with different people.
It happens somewhere along the way, during our growth and development, to believe that we aren't worthy, that we do not matter, or have no value. If during our childhood we did not receive appreciation, attention, love and affection we learn that we are insignificant.  Therefore, for others to see us and feel that we have value and are worthy, we strive to be useful and always attentive to their needs no matter what. We put others first, we are always available and always distracted by their plans, problems, pains. We do this to receive attention and appreciation.
It just doesn't work. Appreciation does not keep us warm, this if we receive it. It fails to cover the void we feel. Respect does not come. And when one day, we need someone to support us, to really see us, to hold us in their arms, we look around in vain and see that there is no one.
People you interract with are the way you teach them to be. If you interact with them from the "I don't matter" space, they will relate to you. Relationships and connections are never about others. But about us and our patterns of thinking, creation, and manifestation. Just imagine what it would be like to give more value to your time and life, after all? What would it be like to know where you are going, to make clear choices, to be able to set boundaries, to be able to assert your truth with power? If you want to feel that you have more power in your life and that you are on your way, you can look right now at what beliefs you have embraced as a child, about yourself. What they told you that you were and aren't, what messages you received, what you were told that you should be and do in life… Just look there. And not to find culprits as if it's someone's fault, just for the sake of exploring and getting to know yourself better. This will help you move things inside you and make a change.
Because after you do this, you're going to get more clarity about the story you're keep telling to yourself that may not be true.

God seeded truth, light and love whitin you.
The Holy Spirit shines brightly on your Face.
There is a veil behind the veil. Whereas the darkness is just the absence of light, when the Sunset is just a Rising from behind. None follows the other. They are One.