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Main body1 More precise, in 1988, Germany had by far the high | INTELLECTUAL EDUCATION CENTRE

Main body1

More precise, in 1988, Germany had by far the highest proportion of people aged 65 and above, while the figures for Canada and the UK stood at 16.32% and 14.23% respectively.
The trends for Canada and Germany were upward, with the former ascending by around 4% and the latter growing by about 5% in 2000. In contrast, the percentage of the UK's aged population did not witness any notable changes during this period.

1. More precise - with more details
2. By far - much ( used to emphasize to the info)
3. Proportion of - percentage of
4. People aged - old people
5. The elderly - old people
6. Trends - changes
7. To be upward - smth has an increase ( # to be downward)
8. Former - the first
9. Latter - the last
10. Ascending - growing
11. Witness - see
12. Notable - noticable