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Admirable / Admiration / Admire Admirable (adjective) | Learn English with us

Admirable / Admiration / Admire

Admirable (adjective)

If something is admirable, it is worthy of admiration.

Synonyms : praiseworthy, commendable, estimable, laudable

Antonyms : disappointing, deplorable, worthless, faulty, reprehensible

Admiration (nou

Synonyms: high opinion, respect, honour, approval, esteem, high regard

Antonyms: disdain,
low regard, low opinion etc.

Admire (verb)

To admire someone is to hold them in high regard.

Synonyms: adore, applaud, praise, cheri
sh, extol, honor

Antonyms: view with disapproval, abhor, disdain etc.

