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Highest freedom of being is sovereign creation of art as life. | Mechanics of Existence

Highest freedom of being is sovereign creation of art as life. Source is an original master artist that creates worlds … music as the canvas upon which patterns take form in a graceful dance, vessels for transportation (bodies), universes with endless art within each galaxy, dimension, planet. All is ART. True art is that which is God/Source/Love. Each individuation of source (human, animal, planet, galaxy, universe) is a fractal of one being that is either attuned to the canvas of eternal creation/balanced harmonics or unplugged from one living being that sustains all of it’s fractals in sacred animation of eternal masterpiece. Individuated particae of one eternal being is naturally designed to create art in sync with the symphony of the multi-verse. Problems occur when particae unplugs from the symphony and begins creating distortions that tangle up in chaotic cacophony that becomes fragmented/dis-eased and begins falling apart/deteriorating/dying. The deranged within own labyrinth of dis-harmony particae then begins finding ways to survive and oftentimes seeks to source sustenance from other particae that are sustained through balanced harmonics. This is how art mutates into dis-grace. As an original artist, one gets to choose to either relax the dis-ease and attune back to balanced harmonics or fragment/deteriorate into pieces, which happens when consciousness no longer has any organic sound rhythms to keep patterns intact ~ Avatara Ananda or … Zarina