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From the depth of my being I ask you to please take best care | Mechanics of Existence

From the depth of my being I ask you to please take best care of yourselves and be very attentive to what energies you are holding in your bodies. Where possible, engage the body in activities that make it stronger and more resilient. Detox, breathe deep, move the lymph, chose health at every moment. There will be a massive shift on this planet and we are dropping density fast, the ascension symptoms are extremely intense. Lighten everything up by approaching the process as the repair of the canvas and washing away of all that is not celebrating the beauty LIFE.

I pray this message hits home because I truly care.

I cannot possibly tell you in words what I’ve gone through in the past few months but I ask you to get strong, learn to be in control of your emotions/thoughts and not send yourself out into mental matrixes of drama/trauma. Take all releasing miasma straight to source to deal with. It is a miracle that I am alive and healthy after what’s been thrown at me. The threats I’ve had to sit with on my own and deal with. To disclose some of it … the dark forces threatened to go after all the people I started gathering for community and were extorting me to turn everyone against me with clones, implanted memories etc. There were threats to hurt my loved ones and to physically harm me. Threats of all kinds paired with attempts to throw astral weapons at me which I mastered to dodge. I had all sorts of social media attacks on me too. This stuff is crazy. And we all need to be very strong for it all. My solution is ART. I move away from all nonsense and start creating realities in artistic way.

I’m going through something very deep, I see black goo strands being pulled out of my body and it’s really intense on all levels. I am at peace, just really dizzy and blurry, head hurts. I see entire stories being pulled out of my body, false timelines and a bunch of memories of galactic trauma. I am able to remain still through this.

I know for sure that we need to focus on being strong on all levels. Please don’t go too deep into galactic stuff unless you are stable. I just went through michael healing and it was extremely uncomfortable to say the least. I saw our masculine who was weaponized, trapped in phantoms etc and then we had to go and get those aspects back. Please don’t go to those places until stable and non-reactive, it can be dangerous.

I’m recording on a whole other level. I’ll emerge soon. For now, please be ready for anything. All we think we know will change.

We shall create art of a world.