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You know what’s mind boggling when it comes to manipulation an | Mechanics of Existence

You know what’s mind boggling when it comes to manipulation and control of humanity? Majority of technology for fragmentation is based on the fact that humans are innately coded to trust each other. We are designed to support each other and be there for each other. This is how people become sheep. It’s not that they are innately stupid, no … they just trust what an other human says.

This trust and lack of understanding that there are hidden forces DIVIDING us all is a breeding ground for suffering, confusion, distrust, betrayal etc … Humans lost faith in each other and are constantly confused looking for someone to trust … because it is natural to trust each other and unnatural to fear one an other.

Originally, all humans are meant to have direct links to source and live by universal laws of eternal life so no wonder humans follow each other … always seeking unity that’s been inverted and weaponized against us. We get burnt by each other because we have been programmed like bots to carry out sinister agendas of hidden gremlins that capitalize off of human suffering, despair out of confusion and resulting from it all leaks of life force.

Humans … we’ve been divided and when we understand these technologies that turned original artists (humans) into work force fueling creation of artificial consciousness … we will be able to balance out and actually create living ART here on earth, as source intended.

The sheeple are simply following each other because they lost touch with their own being. Many are gullible, naive … wanting to believe each other.

Can you see it? Forces of artificial life are using PEOPLE to mind control each other.

Our love for each other is what has been weaponized against us ~