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Our beloved primal men, we need you to rise up into warriors o | Mechanics of Existence

Our beloved primal men, we need you to rise up into warriors of love that you are. We are experiencing a return of violent, patriarchal, false king of tyranny, anti-female, anti-love, anti-freedom of choice and anti-sensuality religions.

Unfortunately this will escalate and conversion will be increasingly “mandatory” just like the jab. We are being harassed, intimidated and threatened into converting to false religion. People are scared from all the events in the world and are returning to religion as some sort of sanctuary. We need your help in securing safe hubs for us to establish sovereign estates, maybe even new churches where people can find sanctuary from being harassed, hypnotized, coerced and trapped into blood sacrifice/salvation based religion.

This is an SOS call from humanity to our beloved guardian men, our protectors, our sensual, loving men who are strong, fierce yet calm, peaceful and strategic. We call upon our builders. Time to BUILD organic timelines. Men who operate under laws of eternal life, men who cleared a lot of pathologies to now be able to embody our father’s logos … we love you. And women … clear remnants of false female stuff so we can be in loving unions with our men.

P.S. I do not know if I can continue this way. Even after I left social media we have agents in this group trying to recruit people. It’s the same exact thing … SAME energy as the jab. There is nothing organic about this.

No matter what these forces are trying to achieve here, there WILL be ART, we ARE children of true God and we are protected. I will ban religious recruits. Do not come to our door.