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SOULLESS HUMANS AND THE SPIRITS OF DARKNESS 1/2 The followin | Mechanics of Existence



The following excerpt from a lecture by Rudolf Steiner in 1917 will put things quite into perspective and verifies what I and many others have spoken/written about for years. It is becoming more and more obvious, to say the least.

That is why SOUL EMBODIMENT [Soul Integration, individualization] is KEY! and it doesn't happen by itself nor by just sharing/reading information.

Sincere efforts are needed to do this very challenging inner work to anchor the Divine within so the occult hostile forces [or 'Ahrimanic Demonic Powers' as Steiner called them] cannot take over the body and use it as a vessel to incarnate. It's always been called the Great Work for a reason and it's a battle for your soul. LITERALLY.

Also,, all the pathological "Woke" ideologies/concepts of critical race theory, systemic racism, Identity politics, Transgenderism [ESPECIALLY, targeting children via hormone blockers], and movements like BLM, Antifa...all the way back to Frankfurt School, Fabian Society, Neo-Marxism, Communism, National Socialism (Nazis) and Democratic Socialism (Eastern Germany) which is infecting and has infiltrated the US and western civilizations for decades are anti-Divine Lucefarian ideas promoted by people who have been literally taken over by hostile forces working through them.

You can't "reason" with these people. "Something else" is occupying them and has taken over. The eyes always give it away [Look at AOC's eyes, for example, [wonder "what" is driving her], or Pelosi, Biden, Gates, or anyone who proudly posts a selfie of themselves having taken the v@cks]

Their goal is to destroy spirituality, deny God, and drive away the soul. It also just didn't start recently or now with the obvious v@cks agenda tying into eugenics but has been in the works for centuries.

We're just at the "end game" right now. Obviously, it also ties into Transhumanism and A.I. promoted by soulless humans who are pure materialists [Elon Musk, Kurzweil, etc] and don't recognize spirit or a soul. They want to play god because they deny God.

It's Soul Embodiment or bust!

- Bernhard Guenther

Quote by Rudolf Stainer below [my CAPTION for emphasis]:


“…In ancient Greece the whole body was filled with the whole soul, and they were in agreement. TODAY THIS IS NOT THE CASE, FOR THE BODIES ARE PARTLY EMPTY. I am not saying anything derogatory about empty heads; they will stay empty as part of evolution. In reality, however, nothing stays empty in this world. The heads are merely empty of something which was destined to fill them at another time. Nothing is ever completely empty.

With the human soul withdrawing more and more from the body, the body is increasingly in danger of being filled with something else. AND IF HUMAN BEINGS ARE NOT PREPARED TO TAKE UP IMPULSES WHICH CAN ONLY COME FROM SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE, THE BODY WILL BE FILLED WITH DEMONIC POWERS.

HUMANITY IS FACING A DESTINY WHERE THE BODY MAY BE FILLED WITH AHRIMANIC DEMONIC POWERS. So we have to add to what I said yesterday about future development: there will be people in future who are Tom, Dick and Harry in ordinary life, which is something determined by social circumstances, but their bodies will be empty to such an extent that a powerful ahrimanic spirit can live in them. ONE WILL BE MEETING AHRIMANIC DEMONS. HUMAN BEINGS WILL NOT BE WHAT THEY APPEAR TO BE. The individual person will be deep down inside, and outwardly one will get a totally different picture.

This shows the complexity of life to come. IT IS REASONABLE TO SAY THAT THERE WILL BE SITUATIONS IN FUTURE WHEN IT WILL BE DIFFICULT TO KNOW WHO ONE IS DEALING WITH. Ricarda Huch's longing for the devil really arises from what will be coming in the future. The institutions and ideas, especially the social ideas people have today, are abstract and crude; they are clumsy in the face of the complexities that are lying ahead.

(continued below )