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It may be beneficial to observe how high level business men th | Mechanics of Existence

It may be beneficial to observe how high level business men that are friends communicate with each other. It’s a different paradigm and caliber all together. They are not “sensitive” and easily offended. These guys crack jokes at each other all the time, there is no heavy emotional crap. Call the experience in if you wish. The people at the top are the ones that never play victim. The highest caliber of people very rarely talk about others. Also it is good to learn from these people how to deal with haters and rest of menace. After that initial disappointment in many humans and seeing them for what they are, they just stop emotionally reacting to hate, slander stories and projections. Every successful person has a whole trail of haters behind them. Also not all celebrities are in the illuminati, and some of them who got initiated don’t even understand what it is, they are lied to. There are some amazing people in this world with lots of wealth who are going to be awakened by source.