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To all who are on a mission to turn everyone to Jesus. Please | Mechanics of Existence

To all who are on a mission to turn everyone to Jesus. Please figure out amongst yourselves which Jesus is the right one and then show us your fruits (other than healing spectacles, loud talk and avoidance under the illusion of being saved). SHOW US that you can now remove/arrest pedovores, arrest global criminals that are tormenting all beings on this planet, SHOW US that you have authority to dismantle demons who are sexualizing children, removing gender and promoting debauchery/perversion/materialism/greed in this world. SHOW US that you can help us heal ancestral trauma of violence, rape etc while actually BEING powerful feminine and masculine instead of defeminized and emasculated keyboard recruiters who do nothing but talk sh*t about others. Please SHOW US a powerful male that holds actual power to make real moves in the world outside of spiritual gatherings and preaching. SHOW US … so far we see empty promises and empty words … talk talk talk, no real results where it matters. So far all we see is conflict amongst the spiritual communities and attacking everyone who does not agree or submit, attacking other people who are figuring out their own life. But what about all of the real sinister stuff in the world? Where is your authority? Please show us. Please. I will follow you if you can show us. I cannot wait for you to show us all how it’s done. I will rebuke all of my teachings if you can actually make things happen on this planet and arrest the criminals behind the genocide, blood harvesting and the rest of satanism.

Since so many of you are attacking us saying that our direct relationship with true Yeshua is not the right one, please prove us wrong. Show us the fruits. Posting on social media about celebrities and New Age deception isn’t really fruits.

All I see is people talking sh*t about others while not doing anything for the collective. It’s all self-serving power-play. It’s all a bunch of self righteous self validation of own grandeur and importance. But what can you do other than quoting stuff? You just keep quoting things and nothing is changing in the world.

And this whole being saved from the new age crap doesn’t apply to everyone. I, for instance never participated in any moon rituals, have not gone to a single “festival” because I saw right through it all and never held any interest in those gatherings. There are plenty of people who were not even aligned to this stuff and did our work on ourselves in solitude, with direct connection to source through sincere, genuine inquiry.

To summarize, anyone who wishes to come and recruit us into the book of revelations and your version of Jesus, we are open to hear about your actual achievements. I sincerely am asking you to show your power outside of knocking down members of the spiritual community, starting sh*t/conflict, reposting same stuff we’ve been sharing for years now and proving yourself superior. I will follow you personally if you stop the genocide that is happening right now on this planet and arrest child molesting demons and other rapists as well as stopping animal and nature abuse/torture/exploitation . I will bow and kiss your feet if you do this. I am looking forward to you showing us all how powerful of authority you now hold. We are all looking up to you now. Show us … and if you can’t … shut the f*ck up and stay in your own lane like the rest of us. Thank you ~ Zarina

P.S. where were your prophets and pastors when kids were getting dressed up like pimps and prostitutes on Halloween during mass blood sacrifice? Where was your power to stop it all? Do you not hold authority of Christ which holds authority over all creation? Where? Where are the fruits?