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The sacred warrior masculine is returning. Our men are getting | Mechanics of Existence

The sacred warrior masculine is returning. Our men are getting activated. They are in a deep clearing of violence which is a very necessary process to resurrect the organic protector. We need our Warriors to protect the innocence on this planet.

Whether we like it or not, the triggers that bring up “enough of this!” are a part of that integration. For the warrior to emerge, the trigger of attack happens first.

As you know I have been clearing this for a while now. My masculine is finally coming into profound maturation where there is no longer a violent response to injustice but rather a strategic planning on how to defend the innocence.

We need to support our bodies through this. My body has been hurting a lot ever since the last attack on me so I have been using yoga tune up balls to lay on as well as self massager for trigger point release. It’s a heavy plastic device with curved ends. This has been helping a lot. When we are under attack, the body tenses up a lot and it causes pain and stiffness. Check out the yoga tuneup balls, those really work well and you just lay/roll on them as the tension releases. ~ Zarina