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Taking a risk sharing this but if this helps just one woman to | Mechanics of Existence

Taking a risk sharing this but if this helps just one woman to deliver herself from misery, it is worth it for me.

My life has changed when I starved the shadow feminine within myself, I suffocated her. I live in a different reality when it comes to wholeness ever since. When I finally saw her for what she is and how covertly manipulated we have been to keep validating and feeding her, I was not nice to her nor was I “kind” to her the way she perceived kindness to be. To her, kindness is validating her addiction to misery and giving her more energy to perpetuate her oozing into timelines of misery where she feeds on her own suffering and deficiencies. I starved her and showed to her that she was nothing but illusion. I let her die. I held her through her passing.

Shadow feminine is the one who keeps perpetuating misery by being available to those who do not truly love her or value her, she keeps playing victim and keeps talking about who did what to her instead of walking away and creating her own peace and love as a state of being. She is the one that longs for a man that isn’t fully present, tries to save him, she is also the one angry at him for being what he is, it is ridiculous, it is nothing but misery. Shadow feminine is the one that locks herself in a waiting room for someone to finally love her, and she refuses to acknowledge what she is doing. She compromises herself and then validates her self desecration as some sort of unconditional love.

Organic female does not waste her time and energy with anyone who drains her, she never asks for love or explains herself or teaches anyone how to treat her or what she deserves (that’s pathetic), she never begs or guilt trips anyone when they do not love her properly, she walks away without any resentment, she washes herself off of everything from the past and moves on. There is no complexities in any of it. There is only getting back all quanta and moving away. It doesn’t matter who it is, fake friends, friends who never truly seen her or felt her and are power playing snakes …. her twin flame and genetic equal is source, it is not anything else and she does not compromise herself with anyone who is not truly walking with her.

Organic female does not complain about a man not treating her right, she walks away. Sitting there complaining about what she is not getting is misery, it is so pathetic to do so and this behavior has been perpetuated in the spiritual communities where it needs to be starved instead. Organic female also does not play mommy with an adult man.

This was some of the hardest transitions of my life and it was extremely challenging on all levels but it was worth everything. I finally became a woman. I am a whole woman. My masculine is with me and in me. I don’t have anything to complain about. He is doing everything for me and together we are clearing his ancient trauma of violence. Majority of the spiritual community is actually feeding the miserable female and whenever someone calls it out they are under attack like I was because she is entitled, she wants to continue perpetuating her misery. She is the one that calls people abusive and narcissists when they show her herself. Ever since I starved her, I was able to bring my sensuality out of the shadows and love my body fully and completely. There are no longer any issues with the masculine either. The only problem is that the attacks come in to try to pull the organic female back into misery. She is happy and complete yet people project onto her that she is in trauma, this is sick, it is the same thing as the powers at be convincing people that they are sick when they are not to try and get them to accept the jab … war against freedom. This is where her masculine steps in to take her away from starving for energy people. It is ridiculous how hated she is. This is what my focus is now, to take her as far away from the collective as possible so she never has to deal with consumptive people ever again. Bifurcation … again ~ Zarina