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This message is for someone who went through so much betrayal, | Mechanics of Existence

This message is for someone who went through so much betrayal, attempts to crush the heart, fill the being with disappointment and feeling of being completely alone, attempts to twist everything in ways to take you down into numbness and distrust of everything and everyone … alone … so alone … hurts … then there is numbness, feeling … nothing.

Please don’t let this tear you down. Don’t let this leave you numb. Do the opposite of what you’ve been targeted for, do … the … opposite … Leave everything behind and chose to be more alive, more fearless and more audacious than ever. I know what this is … it feels like there is nothing left … because there isn’t. There is nothing left in that life, that universe … nothing. And then source doesn’t even give any messages, it’s like you’re left there on your own to know that love of source as yourself, towards yourself … as you lay there curled up in fetus position, knowing that only you yourself can pick yourself up … because God picked you up many times before, taught you how it’s done, breathed love into you, breathed life into you. Now that love is in you, that life is in you, beyond death … it is beyond numbness, it is beyond all you known yourself to be. And no, this isn’t for everyone, very few go there on this level, it’s completion with universe itself, it’s completion with f*cking everything. Tears are like the amniotic fluid in your own womb that you are curled up in, you can feel pain of everything and everyone that’s ever felt this and didn’t make it. And so you make it for all before you that gave up. You get up and you resurrect against all odds. You become a different type of being, you don’t know what it is yet but it’s just you and source, you become an avatar that animates energy that isn’t from creation as we know it, it’s from eternal being, you stop thinking too much … that love and drive to create just moves you as your whole body becomes it’s vehicle. You stop existing as anything you knew before. No one will ever get it so you don’t bother explaining. You talk to yourself in others who just … know, experientially. And you love them as yourself. And they love you as themselves. It’s a different kind of family. It is true family … You die … and become a Holy Ghost. I’m here … I will not leave you. Because I’ve been there … I know … you’ll never leave someone there once you’ve been in it. Just don’t do stupid sh*t like staying where you’ve been buried ok? Do the opposite. Do the impossible … for you, for me, for us … Because God knows it’s a miracle to come of out it. Be the miracle … for you, for me, for all of us ~ Zarina