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This definitely isn’t a message for everyone and it may sound | Mechanics of Existence

This definitely isn’t a message for everyone and it may sound “fearful” to some but knowing the ugliest side of things is better then avoiding it and then getting caught off guard. I know, I did the whole “we attract what we think and feel” thing. I definitely did not think I’d have so many knives in my back nor did I imagine the kind of stuff people are capable of. If you saw my pictures from before I was betrayed over and over again, you’ll see an innocent naïveté.

Anyway, some of us are specifically targeted with severe spiritual betrayal, humiliation and attempts to make us doubt everything we are. People are used for this in most complex ways, it’s full on Antichrist targeting. We know how to defend ourselves from all the galactic stuff and recognize reptiles etc but people … f*cking people … we are wired to love them and then they pull stuff that’s so hurtful. And for some of us it’s best to expect treason, attempts to discredit us, attempts to do all sorts of heartbreaking stuff that can take us into darkest places. My God … it can be awful. I don’t have all the answers but I can at least share how I’m dealing with it. I expect the worst from most people, there are extremely few I am open with because they don’t reek of backstabbing filth. I am used to being targeted through betrayal. I’m used to it hurting and so the solution is to just expect it to happen and be ready emotionally, mentally and physically. I know my heart, my innocence is under attack and I know so are many others.

Advice (if you want it) : Focus on getting yourself far away, as far as possible from everything … everything that is gross. Focus on the window of opportunity that is open for us to leave this universe. Focus on taking as many innocent beings as you can with you and taking care of those who genuinely need help but don’t let anyone too close that is not a clear mirror of your highest, most loving and genuine self. Focus on securing an exit route for yourself to be away from 97% of people. We can still help and do our best to serve at the highest but from a far.

Pain of betrayal can be so deep. It’s devastating. It can take you to extremely dark places including feeling left on your own by source. When it’s dark, it’s dark. Betrayal is one of the strongest anti-life weapons, it hits the heart and then the whole body is in pain. Be with it. Feel it all and observe everything that’s coming up. If you go deep into depression, holy basil extract, 5HTP and saint johns wort can help some. But really, nothing really helps all the way till the pain clears and we move on.

Don’t expect love, genuine care for your being and sincere alliance from those who ran that dagger into the heart. Don’t be naive, most don’t care too much so you have to pull yourself up and DO NOT LET THEM have you where they themselves are. Many will feed on your power to fuel themselves when you’re down, that’s where you view them as their are … enemy … because if you don’t, you’ll still have emotional response to them and hurt like hell because they don’t care that you’re bleeding. Enemy … out to kill you … your job is to defend and master not giving them energy. Don’t trust fake care stories and fake friendship stories from someone who already betrayed you. Do whatever it takes to get yourself as far as possible from these people so they never have access to you ever again. Find the strength to move on and never look back.

And then sit there ready to do it again when and if needed. Letting go of naïveté self is extremely hard, we cannot believe people are actually capable of what they are capable of but better believe it before they get to your heart ~ Zarina