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Maybe some of you are realizing this more and more now but tho | Mechanics of Existence

Maybe some of you are realizing this more and more now but those of us who were in a public eye and around consumptive/entitled people who don’t genuinely love innocence have been drained more than we realized. It is not possible for her to show herself and be open and genuine without all sorts of attacks from everywhere, attempts to get INTO her,

have her,

own her,

control her,

beat her down,

consume her,

claim her … all of it.

She kept going away, leaving the body because she could not deal with it all, it’s too much, too loud, too chaotic, too violent. And so the masculine stepped in and has been dodging bullets to protect her, he is now more present than ever and more integrated. He is doing everything to take her away from so much strife, lies, betrayal, being siphoned and fed on, attempted to be destroyed … she can come out now and dance again, grow her garden, away from those who trashed it before and she was heartbroken, disappointed, having to wear heavy armor and lower herself to deal with grotesque, power hungry, entitled people who turn on her when they cannot eat her alive and own her.

She has not shown herself to anyone for a while now, and it caused her to entrain the body to hold a different frequency, that of defense and aggression as bullets fly at her from all directions and vultures await for her to fall so they come pecking at her, eating her essence, bathing in her pain. NO MORE!

She forgot what it feels like to be deeply feminine because she has been in the battlefields for so long. Her warrior is back, she herself is now a different kind of female, one who will not allow herself to be consumed any longer. And she is ready to welcome those who are like herself, those who have been through the same … to love each other, truly, deeply, eternally, to create Eden on earth. For now, she lets her tears flow, once again bathing herself in waters of purification ~ Zarina