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#Antifake The Italian media continue to provide anti-Russia | Russian MFA 🇷🇺


The Italian media continue to provide anti-Russia coverage of the situation in Ukraine and the special military operation.

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— On November 9, la Repubblica published an item by its special correspondent Paolo Brera about an open letter from the Russian Pacific Fleet’s 155th Separate Guards Marine Brigade with complaints about the headquarters, which allegedly staged a bloody offensive at Pavlovka and later concealed the brigade’s true losses. The journalist took a sceptical approach to the refutation provided by the Defence Ministry of Russia and Primorye Territory Governor Oleg Kozhemyako, according to which the brigade’s losses were about 1 percent of the assigned personnel.

The journalist must be living in a parallel reality where the unsupported denial of facts is regarded as proof, but of what? Selective blindness and stubborn unwillingness to use facts are the signature line of the Anglo-Saxon and now also the Italian media. Isn’t it time to recall what real journalism is and start writing the truth? This is a rhetorical question, of course.

— On November 12, Andrea Cuomo contributed an item to the newspaper Il Giornale, doing his mediocre best to mock at the Russian forces’ withdrawal from “forever Russian” Kherson. Based on his inadequate understanding of the situation, the journalist lauded to the skies the “Ukrainian Armed Forces’ victory” and at the same time wonders if this could be a “trap” laid by the treacherous Russians. He does not explain how these two incompatible events can happen at the same time.

Overall, the item is full of logical inconsistencies and utter disregard for cause-and-effect links. According to Cuomo, several groups of the Russian military changed into civilian clothes and stayed in the city to organise subversive acts.

The Italian media have again demonstrated poor understanding of journalism 101, and refusal to check information and present it in a balanced manner, citing facts and different opinions.