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(Misconception of marrying foreign bribes) When we mentioned | Mi Amor

(Misconception of marrying foreign bribes)

When we mentioned foreign brides (in the past), we thought of women with low socio-economic status from the region who enter marriages because of their families' financial circumstances. However, according to data released by the Government, foreign woman who marries a Singaporean man is getting increasingly educated.

According to Aware, female migrant spouses are still stigmatised because they are deemed to have married to improve their economic circumstances, rather than for love. Many perceive foreign women as taking advantage of Singaporean men to gain access to economic opportunities and citizenship benefits in Singapore. Though foreign women may weigh the economic status, this is not the only factor that they seek in a partner. Singaporean men are considered attractive husband-material by many foreign women. Besides, any women, foreign or local, would likely consider the economic status of a guy they would marry. Therefore, it would be unjust to say that there is no love between union formed with foreigner bribes.

Additionally, the media tend to disproportionally report news of divorce between Singaporean guys and foreigner brides and cases of foreigner bribes cheating money or running away few days after marriage. This news is more often reported as they tend to be more sensational and would garner more readership than news of typical Singaporean guy marrying a foreigner girl and having a happy family, though there are many of such cases. Besides, in a normal relationship or marriage between local guys and local girls, cheating, breakup, or divorce do happen as well.

Also, since there is mutual agreement for marriage between the Singaporean men and foreign bribes, it would be unfair to victimise the guy as someone that would be cheated of and portray the foreign bribes as someone with ill intentions. These foreign girls are also normal people like many of us, just that they may not be fortunate enough to be born in a country with good economic opportunities.

Mi Amor aims to change this negative perception that many have of marrying a foreigner woman. There are many who marry foreigner women and have a happy family. So, why do we focus on the few cases of cheating or divorce among marriage with foreigner brides, and neglect the many happy union formed with foreigner bribes. Interested to know more on our vision, do stay tune to our telegram channel for more updates!
