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The Anglo-Boer War Throughout the nineteenth century the mo | OBSOLETE - Please Join New Channel - @MillionsUnitedAustralia Millions UNITED Australia RESOURCES

The Anglo-Boer War

Throughout the nineteenth century the money supply was based on the Gold Standard, which was coined and developed by the Rothschild's to create a stranglehold over the money supply of the World.

The largest Goldfields in the World were discovered in Witwatersrand in 1886 and this created a new supply of Gold, which had to be controlled or the financial system that was implemented would risk losing their grip on the market. These new mines were located in the independent republic called Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek.

A large number of immigrants from all over Europe started flooding into the country to see what all the fuss was about. The leading Gold mining company was the Eckstein group. By the early 1890's foreign workers and speculators started to outnumber the Boers and in 1896, after the abortive Jameson raid, which tried to overthrow the Transvaal government, the South African League was founded as a Rothschild front to agitate for voting rights of these foreign workers.

President Paul Kruger was willing to offer a 7 years of residence and then the foreigners would be able to vote, the British High Commissioner, Sir Alfred Milner, was unmoved by this offer and made his point that it was either 'Reform or War'. Paul Kruger knew by this stage that it was his country that TPTB were after.

In September 1899 in an act of provocation, the British started to amass troops on the southern Transvaal border. A request was made on October 9th, that same year to Her majesty's government cease 'The constant bringing up of troops to the borders of the republic' of course this request was ignored. Two days later War broke out. Although the Boers had only a part time army they had early success against the much larger British army. In the end the Boers resorted to Guerrilla Warfare with never more than 6,000 troops they were able to frustrate the 450,000 troops the British army had committed to the cause.

Peace was signed at Vereeniging on 31st of May 1902. The War had been a disaster for the Boers as the British Empire reneged on the Hague Convention of 29th of July 1899, which they were meant to observe it's 'Rules of civilized Warfare' and instead introduced the 'Scorched Earth Policy'.

The Boers homesteads were razed to the ground, wells were poisoned, their cattle slaughtered and their women raped. 25 towns and 20 villages, including churches, were utterly destroyed. 155,000 women and children were herded into 46 concentration camps and housed in tents, where in some camps temperstures reached below zero. 34,000 of them died of malnutrition, poor saniattion and exposure of whom 81% were under the age of 16.

The Bankers (the very same ones who are in control today) now had full control of South Africa's Gold and other mineral resources. This War was a consummate victory for Nathan, Alfred and Leopold Rothschild as the finiancing of the Boer War amounted to 222 million pounds and added a further 132 million to Great Britians debt.

This Regime that is currently being rolled out Globally is a concerted effort to bring the World under a One World Communist Rule with a One World Religion and One World Government ruled by the fictitious 'Gods Chosen people'

If we don't Unite together to oust and name the Cabal that is running this Agenda, we will find ourselves under communist rule quicker than we can yell 'Gulagssssss'. This has been planned for thousands of years and is coming into fruition right NOW!

To discuss further, Join us here and share this to wake up your brothers and sisters so we can accelerate our efforts to expose the rot that has willingly decayed our society over and over again during the past 3-4,000 years.

For further education on the lies we have been indoctrinated into through our education systems failure, due to it being controlled by TPTB, watch this series that will start to peel the layers of deception from your eyes and fill in all the gaps to give you a better understanding of our TRUE history.
