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New Update Few statistics 12k Shared drives have been c | MsGsuite

New Update

Few statistics
12k Shared drives have been created in the entreprise subscription (domain 100). All these 12k drives are used to store more than 21.6Pb of data. This subscription is active since May 2021
Globally, more than 47k requests are made each weeks on the website. Most of them are from India
Since 2/4/2021, almost 240k captcha has been server and more than 162k has been verified (you can easily guess the number of created drives)

All non-working domains have been fixed (Kindly report all non working ones to @msgsuitebot)

If you have any suggestions to improve the website, feel free to suggest them at @msgsuitebot

If you have a google account that can create shared drives and you want to add it to the website, contact me at @msgsuitebot

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Join the semi-public shared drive where you can contribute
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