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人多 人少 一目了然 #九龍塘 站、#油塘 站的合共三個月台,現已 | MTR Service Update

人多 人少 一目了然

#九龍塘 站、#油塘 站的合共三個月台,現已增設以人工智能方式操作的候車時間估算顯示

有關估算會即時更新,並同時顯示於車站資訊螢幕,以及 #MTR Mobile 應用程式上,讓乘客更容易計劃行程

顯示其後亦會擴展至其他較繁忙的月台,以及 #太子、 #旺角 站


How busy will the station be Check ahead

A.I. estimated waiting time will now be displayed on 3 platforms in total at Kowloon Tong and Yau Tong Stations

These estimations are updated instantly and will be shown on information displays in stations and on the #MTR Mobile app

They will also be promoted to some other busier platforms also Prince Edward and Mong Kok Stations