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The Israeli Government have created a medical apartheid where | Nathan Kyle

The Israeli Government have created a medical apartheid where those who have taken the j@b are given greater access to society than those who have chosen not too.

Anthony Fauci has also been quoted recently saying that those have have been whacksinated will be soon allowed to gather in small groups.

This is fundamentally unethical and violates an individual's right to informed consent. Informed consent cannot be obtained when there is coercion, and these "carrot dangling" techniques being employed by Governments are just that.

We are living in a society where the chasm between those who see through the illusion and those who do not, is growing wider. The Imperial College, the institution which was initially responsible for the bogus models that ushered the western world into draconian lockdowns, has stated that the fatality rate of this "v1ru$" stands at 1%. This is with the re-classification of deaths as bought to light by revered retired Pathologist Dr. John Lee, a practice in which has grossly inflated the fatalities at the hands of c0nv1d-I9.

Coupled with the knowledge that this Whacksine is still in its experimental phase, and that the Whacksine itself does not reduce transmission and only really reduces severe symptoms, and that Governments have been saying that biosecurity measures are here to stay, when will people begin to admit that they've been had? The information is right in front of you. They are literally tell you, to your face, what is going on, yet the masses still remain in a trance like state or even worse, defend the actions of the Corporations masquerading as Government.

Our freedoms are only coming back on the condition of partaking in this global medical experiment. Justifications like "it's for the greater good" are akin those given during the implementation of other authoritarian regimes in history. Governments have no right to do this. They are there to defend your rights, not erode them.

I fear that we have reached the point of no return. The propaganda, the ideological subversion and the indulging in life's pleasures have bred a society of weak obedient slaves.

The rest of the masses will undoubtedly awaken at some point, but how bad will it have to get for them to do so?

God help us all.