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If you still believe in QAnon, you are just as deceived as tho | Nathan Kyle

If you still believe in QAnon, you are just as deceived as those wearing masks and taking the whakseen.

Wasn't Trump supposed to be the President of the Republic by now? Wasn't the 10 days of darkness supposed to have occurred over 12 months ago? Where are the mass arrests?

Unfortunately, Trump turned out to be just as establishment as the rest of the political opportunists in Washington. He didn't drain the swamp, he hired them. Operation warp speed, widespread 5G rollout and the expansion of drone wars in the middle east are a few prime examples of him playing his part and are seemingly potential blindspots for those still "trusting the plan."

Don't get me wrong, Trump did some good things, and the Republicans in theory are a far better option when it comes to legislatively upholding the moral foundations that a society should be built on, but to paint him as a saviour, or any other man for that matter, is foolish.

Was Trump trying to do the right thing by the American people? Quite possibly, however only God knows what's in a man's heart.

Is there merit to some of Q's theories? Of course...child sex trafficking amongst elites is a massive problem as evidenced by Epstein, Nygaard and the Wikileaks emails, but, are children being extricated from tunnels?... I'm yet to see any concrete evidence of this outside of obscure "qmaps" and rumours spread on social media.

Also, just because the media censors something, does not automatically make it true.

Those who still believe, are looking for a saviour; someone to rescue them from the atrocities of life. Unfortunately, the only salvation you will find is in Jesus Christ, not Q, not Trump, nor any man nor woman.