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Masks do not work for the purposes they are intended. Last y | Nathan Kyle

Masks do not work for the purposes they are intended.

Last year, a randomised controlled study was conducted in Denmark in regards to the dreaded r00na, and the efficacy of masks in preventing it's transmission (see below).


It found no statistically significant difference between the wearing of masks, and abstaining from mask wearing. 1.8% of those who wore masks tested positive to the r0na, whilst 2.1% who didn't, returned a positive PCR test. This study was subsequently eluded to in a WHO paper released late last year.

Prior to last year however, there was very little evidence that widespread mask wearing was helpful in preventing the spread of anything. Mid last year, in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), a paper was released stating "we know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection" and that they serve a "symbolic role" too. Due to the uproar this generated, a subsequent explanatory paper was released back-tracking on these statements, although it is clear that the researchers were merely covering their tracks after letting the truth slip.

You would have seen that very early last year, the widespread wearing of masks was not recommended by the WHO and Governments worldwide, and then suddenly, on the flip of a dime, this advice was changed; many putting this change down not to any new scientific revelations, but political pressure.

Many argue that it "just makes sense" to wear masks because your lungs are an excretory organ and we are breathing out toxins and any potential airborne pathogens, however, this argument is null avoid under the the banner of "public health advice." If you are excreting toxins orally, and they are collecting on the front of your mask, aren't you breathing these toxins in again? Would that not increase your risk of acquiring a respiratory illness?

Whilst the researchers of the Danish study deem their results to be inconclusive, the symbolic nature of masks are not to be dismissed either. It is obvious that masks are an outward symbol of submission and control, having been used historically on slaves. The mouth is a particularly symbolic organ as it represents freedom of speech, and in a society where speech is heavily monitored and controlled, and as many questions relating to public health policy remain unanswered, a cloth covering over the mouth is a significant outward representation of current cultural paradigms.

Put simply, it basically says "obey, and shut up."

As human beings, throughout this worldwide heath saga, we have been sold this lie that we are contagious and unwell despite a lack of symptoms. This is an egregious lie, and completely unscientific.

We as human beings, were not designed to live in accordance with the Public Health directives that are apparently for our safety, and conversely, a strong argument can be made that spending large amounts of time in isolation, wearing a face mask, living in a perpetual state of fear etc., are completely anti-health and more akin to forms of psychological torture than anything (see Bidermans Chart of coercion).

It is clear that the Government does not care about our health, as evidenced by their allegiance to the tobacco industry and big pharma for many years despite the overwhelming body of evidence that their products are often not required, unhealthy and in some cases borderline malevolent.

We can argue all day whether germ theory is bunk science, and I believe wholeheartedly it is, but one thing we can all agree on is that if you wish to maintain your health, do not rely on the Government to tell you what is the right thing to do, instead, take personal responsibility for your own well-being.

Boosting your immune system through community, having purpose in your life, spending as much time as you can outside in the fresh air, eating well, and exercising, pre r00na, were all widely accepted strategies to boost one's health.