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IMPORTANT! Please Read. Good morning Team we have some update | National Education United

IMPORTANT! Please Read.

Good morning Team we have some updates for you before Christmas.

1. Cole is in the Industrial Courts this week taking on NSW Dept of Education Secretary Georgina Harrison. He will keep us posted.

2. Red Union will officially be writing an open and public letter to all Premiers and Attorney Generals to state their support for their members who are Pro-Choice. They will declare their official position as a Union that they do not support mandates.

3. Serene from Advocate Me has personally reached out to us. They along with another law firm have put together a monumental case and will be filing in the Federal Court.

They have assured me it will cost us nothing nor do we need to declare any financial status. We will post link soon with details.

4. Dean from Common Law has put together a non-consent notice for parents to send to their schools. We will post these up before Christmas.

5. We have asked Dean if he would allow NEU members to do his course in groups at one location so members can divide the fee amongst themselves.

It's a 6 hour course which he has spent years learning and putting together. You will also receive letters and templates as well as other materials.

6. Dora has reached out to us again and offered her services as Psychologist for those of you in need. All you need is a mental health plan from your GP and it will not cost you anything as it will be covered by Medicare.

She can provide this service to anyone in Australia. Please email her posmindpsych@gmail.com

7. For those who have been threatened with holiday pay being denied please understand that this is illegal. If you are a Red Union member they are fighting this for you just keep logging online reports in their dashboard.

If you are not a member then you need to respond immediately and demand your holiday entitlements be paid as there are no legal grounds for what they are doing.

8. Our next Reclaim The Line will be focusing on protecting the children. We are organising a notice to be served to all Premiers prior to the rally with a list of demands by the people.

Further action will be needed by you when this happens. We will advise what needs to be done.

9. Starting in January we will be sending out a weekly newsletter to keep you up to date with everything and have you engaged in our community more.

Please subscribe on our website www.NationalUnited.org

10. Lastly, contrary to some people's opinion I (Mack) is not "throwing in the towel" or "stepping aside" to be with family nor are we not focusing on "education" anymore.

I told you I'd be fighting till Christmas day and then starting again on Boxing day. If you have any doubts then you need a dose of all my Half-Time speeches again. They can be found here in order t.me/HalfTimeSpeech
