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Apparently the “vaccine mandates” have been lifted across most | COVID Vaccine Information, Injuries and Deaths

Apparently the “vaccine mandates” have been lifted across most industries in Melbourne, and people are congratulating me for waiting it out.

I didn’t wait anything out. “Waiting it out” implies that I took at least part of the story seriously, which I didn’t. I never even read any of Andrews’ press releases.

To me there was never any “pandemic”, there was never a “vax mandate”. It was all just words coming from out of the TV, words on a screen or words on paper. I never read or listened to any of it.

I didn’t “wait this out”.
For me none of this was real. I don’t go to your cinemas and pay money to watch brain-numbing bullshit. I don’t care about your culture and cafes. I don’t need over-priced restaurant food fried in seed oils. I’m not planning a euro-trip full of pretty landscapes and other pointless dopamine-inducing experiences.

The only real difference any of these “mandates” made to me is for several months I couldn’t use a public gym, so I just made a home gym and trained at home.

I just assumed that as per usual every message coming from televisions or from politicians was hostile to me, meant to mislead or harm me. I don’t feel like I’ve been proven wrong.

And all of this is coming back. They’ll do it again. If you think this is the end and “things are going back to normal now”, you’re not very intuitive. When it does come back around, in the form of “climate catastrophe” or some other “pandemic” remember this post, because it really is all just words on a screen.