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Mate, I shouldn't be saying this. I could get in the shit big | NZ Testimonials

Mate, I shouldn't be saying this. I could get in the shit big time and I'm going to end up on a bit of a rant here.

You would not believe how many people over and above the normal are being brought into ED at Waikato with various issues within a week of getting vaccinated. There's 3 of us who ask about vaccination. That's all. It's not that no one else cares, we're just swamped and trying to help people. I have been staying up here. I haven't seen ....... and the kids since Friday last week. 

We don't really understand why the vaccine seems to be affecting some people and not others but it's definitely related to heart and blood. I'll stress though. It's only correlation at this point. We don't even know what tests to run to try to establish causation. That's if we could get them done. We're so overwhelmed.

We're discussing what this big vaccine drive can all be about with the low numbers and low mortality rates for anyone without several co-morbidities.

Really it seems to come back to money. All the talk about medicine we could repurpose that "doesn't work" just to sell more Vax. Like the anti-ivermectin rhetoric, when we know it works. It looks like (to me at least) the pharmaceutical lobby groups are convincing the US Government (who everyone in the world tends to rely on for advice) to say Ivermectin doesn't work while Merck reformulates it enough to repatent it and sell it for huge dollars. Same thing with NAC which we know works for clearing mucous off the lungs. FDA trying to regulate it while the pharmaceutical companies reconstitute it to be able to patent it.

My view is that it's all about money. The pharmaceutical companies lobby Government so much and line the politicians pockets. They do it with us too. You see how often I get trips away from the pharmaceutical sales reps. Conferences on an island. It's all to get us to over prescribe.

There's a lot of us who want to speak out but we've seen what's happened with the doctors who have. We all have kids to feed and mortgages to pay. I'm trying to figure out how to leave medicine. It's so corrupt.

I've got a couple of days off next week. Let's get the kids together and have a beer.

Note- this was shared 2nd hand on the NZ Testimonials chat group.