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The basics of this petition and letter is that we the people a | NZ Testimonials

The basics of this petition and letter is that we the people aren’t getting a fair chance to be involved in critical decisions in our country. That responsibility falls heavily on the shoulders of the current PM and her Government. It is their job to listen to the people and serve us! We want open communication and a fair chance to vote on critical changes in our country!

I could go on for hours stipulating all the errors and blatant Human Rights breaches caused by our current PM but feel I would lose my audience and overwhelm you, so I will just keep all of this to the point. There is no accountability or even a shred of honesty with our current PM, so as per the petition and support behind it, we the people, citizens of New Zealand, have no confidence in Jacinda Ardern and the continuation of her role as Prime Minister. We therefore demand her resignation with immediate effect.

Yours sincerely,
Blair Jones (and the signatories of this petition)

It will be pretty interesting to see what follows this, hopefully we see some form of action, but to be honest this petition will really show us if we have any real form of 'Help' that is truly for the people of this country.

I will keep you all up to date with any replies i receive and any actions taking place. Feel free to spread the word among the groups you are a part of, i will do the same.

Thanks again for all your support, together we stand!

