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Star Wars in Panjshir. Target designation by tracers is observ | ofehr.press

Star Wars in Panjshir. Target designation by tracers is observed
The Resistance Front claims heavy losses of the Taliban* in Panjshir.

The night attack of the militants was repulsed, and an entire group was surrounded at the Havak pass, the fighting there is continuing right now.

However, the jihadists also report that they eliminated 31 militia fighters, including 3 commanders, and also captured 4 checkpoints. In addition, they managed to damage the antennas and power lines, leaving several settlements without electricity.

At the same time, information is persistently repeated in the Western and local media that the leaders of the Taliban want to invite the team of Masoud Jr. to negotiations in Tajikistan. The official Dushanbe has not yet commented on these rumors in any way.

* A terrorist organization, banned in Russia and Tajikistan.