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A letter to you, my dear friend. Be proud of how far you've | Oh My Muet 🙊 Channel

A letter to you, my dear friend.

Be proud of how far you've come.
Appreciate your effort and celebrate every of your success, no matter how big or small it is.
Push the little voices in your head that say you are worthless and incapable of doing great things because you never know how far you can go,
and how much impact you can bring to the world.
Your existence, matters.
Your smile, matters.
And your steps matter.
So never quit.
But, doesn't mean that you should never rest or
Always need to push yourself to the limit.
It means you are brave and strong enough to take every step and leap that you can.
Leaving no stone unturned.
But, be wise and know when it's time to take a short break.
A time to rest and reward yourself after all the hard works that you've done.
After that, you keep the momentum and never quit.
you can stop for a while and take a rest when you need it,
But you should never quit.
There's a difference between resting and quitting.

Above all,
Thank you for reading this.
You are worth,
So please,
Always appreciate yourself,
And every effort that you did, that you're doing and will be doing.
Because they all matters.
Wishing you all the best in life,
And always strive to do your best!
While at the same time,
Please take care of yourself, your physical health and your mental health,
So you can become the amazing person,
Like you always are.


