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Last call to apply for the Yandex School of Data Analysis. R | Data Science by 🦜

Last call to apply for the Yandex School of Data Analysis.

Recruitment for the YSDA, which is a vocational training program, free of charge, lasting for two years, will end on the 06 May 2023.

You can choose one of the four highly demanded majors: data science, big data infrastructure, machine learning or data analysis in applied sciences.

To be able to pass examinations and study successfully at the YSDA one should have a basic understanding of the machine learning, have a good mathematical background and use one of the programming languages. Experienced developers can apply for an alternative admission track that includes both assessment of algorithms basics and mathematics and research and/or industrial achievements.

The educational process is mainly conducted in the Russian language.

Application form is accessible via link, there is also a tg-chat for the applicants